We all have ‘issues in our tissues’ and one of the best ways to get them out is through deep stretching and calm breathing. Yoga and or deep stretching in general is a must for most people these days. We sit in chairs hunched over computers all day which alters the state of our bodies in a negative way. After each session my clients are taken through a series of yoga poses, stretches and breathing techniques to realign those tissues, help them recover from their workouts faster, gain much needed flexibility and relieve stress.
My personal yoga journey began in 2005 when I was dragged to my first Hatha class. I was pretty sure it was going to be a weird, fluffy, spiritual class for women. I was lucky enough to be very wrong and have the amazing Bernie Clark as my teacher …and so my experience turned out to be life changing. My body was a mess from years of heavy weight training so even though the class was a pretty easy Hatha class I found it very challenging. I couldn’t believe how few of the poses I could actually do properly, and how amazing I felt afterwards. Every week I would go to this early morning weekend class until life got in the way and I forgot about yoga for a while.
At a time when I was going through a stressful period in my life Yoga called out to me again with one of my friends recommending I join her for a Yin yoga class from a great teacher she knew. Funny enough that teacher also turned out to be Bernie Clark and again the class was life changing. Although I had loved Hatha and other styles of dynamic Yang Yoga, Yin worked for me on so many levels. Being completely burnt out and fully Adrenal exhausted Yin brought recovery, peace and clarity back to my life. There are times when I feel Yin literally saved my life.
Cut to 7 years later and I find myself not only teaching Hatha and Yin but taught under Bernie Clarke himself. Life is such an interesting ride!
I bring over 10 years of fitness training and nutrition to the yoga world as well as my many years as a DJ. My classes are filled with funky downtempo tunes all to a lighter side and stye of yoga…yoga is supposed to fun after all right? :)
After each session my clients are taken through a series of stretches and breathing techniques to realign their tissues, help them recover from their workouts faster, gain much needed flexibility and relieve stress.
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